Manifold services, such as complete tool processing, polishing, jet blasting and coat removal complete the scope of services and performance. This allows us to guarantee optimally aligned treatment. The in-house logistics system supports the integrated surface engineering concept. In times of increasingly short deadlines, it provides for a mode of work organisation that is ideally integrated with customer processes.
Transport service
- We carry your collection of your order;
- We offers a regular transport service in various regions;
- Fast delivery is available.
- Creating ideal preconditions;
- By means of polishing, the required surface roughness of the active tool surfaces is achieved without damaging the micro structure;
- An optimum polishing process creates the best conditions for a subsequent surface treatment.
Coat removal
- Saving costs through multiple use;
- Forming and hard-metal tools can be repeatedly used;
- No costs for manufacturing of completely new tools.
Chemical coat removal:
Removal of coats on steel and hard-metal tools takes place by means of a chemical-thermal procedure, which does not impact the base material. The surface quality is maintained and the polishing requirement reduced.
Mechanical coat removal:
In mechanical coat removal the coat is removed using an abrasive technique. This is accomplished within a short period of time with minor abrasion of the base material. The surface can be levelled and restored for a new coating.
Design/refurbishment takeover of complete tools
- Save your resources;
- Complete project support from construction to heat treatment to hard-material coating;
- After, for example, coating, we fit the segments back in the main part.
- Your products does not require additional tool processing capacities;
- Coated tools will come into operation at the intended date;
- Straightforward time and cost planning;
- Reliability of the production process.